Wednesday, October 31, 2007

* Happy Halloween *

American's custom of halloween is all about trick-or-treating. Decorate houses with dancing skeleton, 'garlic' , lighted Jack-o-Lantern aka carved pumpkins; and also getting the children all dressed up in hantoo costumes n masks before they start their sugary treats during the last night of October. They will pi house by house in the neighbourhood and attack ! Those kids just love it !

HMMMMM.. but cultures vary among each region in the world. They went celebrate 'halloween' after management paper that night. Being over devastated, all ppl nangis kuat kuat for their ancestors.

=P ! ARRK ! ~Happy halloween~

we "encounter" lema ahhaha some not-so-scary decorations. Ther's d ummm mummified todler and the flying thing covered in a white piece of cloth and the RIP thingy

Happy Halloween semua! i saw the friendster bulletin about a celebration kat new world park starting from 9pm.. haha canot go .. cuz 32nd of October have exam =( which is tommorow ..ewwww


potpoty said...

hahaa. lol. 32nd of oct.

My Name - JoCeLyN said...

oi.....sien lo.......make some function le...