Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Witnessed a Robbery !!

It was late in the evening when my group and I witness a robbery!! There were alot of shouting and yelling at the scene. A tall unknown man was robbing a poor student at the carpark, he was chasing the girl for money and they ran round and round the vehicle like playing
"aa chee load" (hokkien)

Lousy Camera Man, people tio rob you also shaky!

Planning: The tall unknown guy is aiming at the student (see his evil laugh face)

GOTCHA !: he gave the poor student a fright and she ran!!

This is where the "aa chee load" starts


Nolah .. it is not a robbery, its actually Andy trying to return the money to Jocelyn because she bought RM12 worth of APONG GUAN for us .. 40 PIECES of apong !! and she donwanna take back her money because of some pantang crap .. haiz pls take back ur money !!


Anonymous said...

LOL. that talll unknown man was chasing after the girl for 'GIVING HER' money.
NOT for money. -shouting n yelling-the way u describe. omi tian~ FUNNY!

Anonymous said...

Yes........chasing around jz to force her to receive RM12....what RM12!!!the gal was shout like "kena rogol" OMT

barnie said...

give her money oso like force her to pay money...lehhhhh

fatty koo said...

lol yea loh ... lol sai sai eh JO

Anonymous said...

pot u ka su la.....not pro at all... the movie like u r shooting the sky nia...shaky..all the time...cant swim...cham la u....gai la....not cun la....blek la.........

potpoty said...

diam la. i bo chun then ur nurse chun a?? lol. shaky hands cos i was chuckling all the way ma. stupid! some ppl act like police karsoo la.
lari oso like orr kooi.sampai scene...
kenarri oso vroom ki liao.
karrsOOO betui~