Sunday, October 28, 2007

Last Minute Preparation

Yoyo blogger koo is back! and exam is a stone throw away! its like you throw a stone "piak" on the floor thats it ! exam time! Andy, sunjia, barnie & I went to the disted library for our last and final preparation...

study freaks unlike me taking pictures =)

and some stupid fat ass students are playing around in the library disturbing others cibai. Those kids dont know what is library and i think they dont know penang has playgrounds.. chao 大脂. I wrote a letter of complaint! useless betui

and we met raj (my classmate) he is not chinese but i dont actually know what race he is zzz. Blury pic

Ahhhhhhh~ much better "Shour your Gao Gao! RAJ!" there's this guy named jason keep kacauing him..haha lmao

After long hours of studying is time for some food! Fatty Koo loves to eat yummy! ~.~ and we went to these taiwanese restaurant kat one-stop. Dove like mia place, i think

Barnie's braise porck with "tau cheo'" lema .. duno haha

my 烤鸡饭 aka grill chicken rice

Okays its late d.. and i got to finish my revision, now im at chapter 9 out of 12 .. god bless me and my friends. imma change the song to "Britney Spears - Gimme More" Hopefully the examiners can gimme i mean give us more marks. GOOD LUCK PEEPS ~ CHAO~


barnie said...

what's "chao大脂" ?

fatty koo said...

big fat .. i duno how 2 write la zz